Swiss Flow
Cytometry School


The next courses

We propose online and on-site courses and can adapt our offer to your needs : feel free to make suggestions !

Participants living in countries in this list may benefit from reduced prices as detailed in the course description.

to 2025-03-12

Private course in flow cytometry


to 2025-03-19

Formation en Cytométrie Hématologique - avec CytHem


to 2025-04-11

Introduction and Refresher course in Flow Cytometry

to 2025-05-22

Advanced applications of flow cytometry

All the courses

All the courses we can propose are listed below. Do not hesitate to contact us if you find a topic which might interest you.

Introduction and Refresher course in Flow Cytometry

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Introduction and Refresher course in Flow Cytometry

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Course : INTRO-01
Duration : 33 hours in 5 days (18h lectures, 15h practicals). 9am-5pm, except the last day 8am-4pm
Language : English
Target Audience : Anyone working in the biology field (either clinical or research). No requirement for prior knowledge of flow cytometry is necessary.
Prerequisites : Basic knowledge in biology and medicine
Courses objectives : The students will learn :
• the fundamentals of flow cytometry, from fluorochromes
• the working principle of a flow cytometer
• tips & tricks for experimental design, including antibody titration
• how to perform multicolor staining experiments with adequate compensations.
• how to optimize sample preparation, staining and acquisition
• how to elaborate and apply various gating strategies for data analysis.
Costs : Public Sector: 2000 CHF
Private companies: 2500 CHF
Developing Countries and students: 1200 CHF
Registration deadline: 2 weeks before the course or when the place limit is reached.

ONLINE introduction and refresher course in Flow Cytometry

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ONLINE introduction and refresher course in Flow Cytometry

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Course : ONL_INTRO-17
Duration : 6 sessions of 1.5 h over 2 weeks, 2-3.30PM CET (e.g 8-9:30am EST, 4-5:30pm GST)
Language : English
Target Audience : Anyone working in the biology field (either clinical or research) No requirement of prior knowledge of flow cytometry is necessary.
Prerequisites : Basic knowledge in cell biology or medicine.
Courses objectives : Sessions:
April 15, 2024: 1. Introduction to flow cytometry – what is behind the dot plot.
April 16, 2024: 2. Working principles of a flow cytometer: fluidics, optics, electronics.
April 18, 2024: 3. Fluorochromes – how to choose the best one for your application.
April 22, 2024: 4. Immunodetection – antibodies, staining, immunophenotyping.
April 23, 2024: 5. Gating strategies – how to analyze flow cytometry data.
April 25, 2024: 6. Instrument setup and compensation.

The students will learn:
• the basic principles of flow cytometry
• how to perform a simple multicolor staining experiments with adequate compensations.
• how to elaborate and apply various gating strategies for data analysis.
• the most common applications of flow cytometry in hematology and immunology.

Costs : Public Sector: 600 CHF
Industry, Pharma: 800 CHF
Developing Countries and students: 300 CHF

Advanced applications of flow cytometry

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Advanced applications of flow cytometry

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Course : ADVANCED-04
Duration : 18 hours over 3 days (9h lectures, 9h practicals).
Language : English
Target Audience : Hematologists, immunologists, laboratory heads, researchers, senior technicians, doctoral students and post-docs.
Prerequisites : Knowledge in biology, biotechnology, pharmacy, immunology, medicine or related disciplines. Previous experience in flow cytometry required
Courses objectives : The participants will learn :
• to design and perform multicolor staining experiments.
• to study cell apoptosis.
• how to perform and analyze a T cell activation assay with intra-cellular staining
• to analyze data with unsupervised methods
• the fundamentals of spectral cytometry
Costs : Public Sector: 1200 CHF
Industry, Pharma: 1500 CHF
Developing Countries: 800 CHF

ONLINE advanced applications of flow cytometry

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ONLINE advanced applications of flow cytometry

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Course : ONL_ADVANCED-18
Duration : 6 sessions of 1.5 h over 2 weeks, 1PM-2.30PM (CET)
Language : English
Target Audience : Doctoral students, post-docs, researchers.
Prerequisites : Studies in biology, biotechnology, pharmacy, immunology, medicine or related disciplines.
Courses objectives : Sessions:
1. Compensation and setting pitfalls.
2. Multicolor staining.
3. Standardization, QC, harmonization.
4. Cell cycle analysis.
5. Apoptosis, cell proliferation.
6. Analysis of rare events, including CAR-T cells.

The participants will learn:
• to design multicolor panel.
• to standardize and harmonize flow cytometers.
• to study cell cycle and apoptosis.
• how to avoid compensation and setting pitfalls.
• how to analyze rare cell populations, including CAR-T cells.

Costs : Public Sector: 600 CHF
Industry, Pharma: 800 CHF
Developing Countries: 300 CHF

7th - 17th March 2022; Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays.
Exact dates of each session: 7.03, 8.03, 10.03, 14.03, 15.03, 17.03.
Time: 1PM-2.30PM (CET)

Flow cytometry for hematologists

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Flow cytometry for hematologists

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Duration : 24 hours over 3 1/2 days (lectures and practical sessions).
Language : English
Target Audience : Hematologists, immunologists, laboratory heads, researchers, advanced biomedical and laboratory technicians, post-docs.
Prerequisites : Knowledge of the basic principles of flow cytometry, background in hematology and/or cell biology.
Courses objectives : The participants will learn :
• how to use flow cytometry for the detailed analysis of normal hematopoiesis in peripheral blood and bone marrow samples.
• the different strategies to characterize hematological malignancies by flow cytometry and detect MRD
• to design an optimal panel

Costs : Public Sector: 1500 CHF
Industry, Pharma: 1800 CHF
Developing Countries: 900 CHF
Registration deadline: 2 weeks before the course or when the place limit is reached.

Lymphoma diagnosis and MRD detection by flow cytometry

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Lymphoma diagnosis and MRD detection by flow cytometry

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Course : LYMPHOMA_MRD-05
Duration : 22 hours over 3 1/2 days (10h lectures, 12h practical).
Language : English
Target Audience : Researchers with an interest in B and T cell lymphomas, hematologists, immunologists.
Prerequisites : Knowledge of basic principles of flow cytometry, background in hematology and/or cell biology.
Courses objectives : The students will learn :
• how to elaborate and apply gating strategies for lymphocyte analysis.
• how to use cytometry for the detection of normal B and T cells in lymphoid organs, peripheral blood and bone marrow.
• how to diagnose B and T cell lymphomas using cytometry.
• the pitfalls of lymphoma diagnosis and how to avoid them.
• how to perform MRD detection for lymphomas.
Costs : Public Sector: 1500 CHF
Industry, Pharma: 1800 CHF
Developing Countries: 1000 CHF

ONLINE Lymphoma and MRD course

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ONLINE Lymphoma and MRD course

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Course : ONL_LYMPHOMA-16
Duration : 6 sessions of 1.5 hours, twice a week, 1PM-2.30PM (CET)
Language : English
Target Audience : Researchers with an interest in lymphomas, hematologists, immunologists.
Prerequisites : Knowledge of basic principles of flow cytometry, background in hematology and/or cell biology.
Courses objectives : Sessions – the application of the flow cytometry to study:
1. Normal B cell maturation and B cell populations.
2. B cell lymphomas.
3. Normal T cell maturation and T cell populations.
4. T and NK cell lymphomas.
5. Plasma cells – normal and malignant.
6. MRD detection in lymphomas.

The participants will learn the basics of following topics:
• how to elaborate and apply gating strategies for lymphocyte analysis.
• how to use cytometry for the detection of normal B and T cells in lymphoid organs, peripheral blood and bone marrow.
• how to diagnose B and T cell lymphomas using cytometry.
• how to perform MRD detection for lymphomas.

Costs : Public Sector: 600 CHF
Industry, Pharma: 800 CHF
Developing Countries: 300 CHF

8th February – 4th March 2021, Mondays and Thursdays.
Exact dates of each session: 8.02, 11.02, 15.02, 18.02, 01.03, 04.03.
Time: 1PM-2.30PM (CET)

Leukemia diagnosis and MRD detection by flow cytometry

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Leukemia diagnosis and MRD detection by flow cytometry

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Course : LEUKEMIA_MRD-06
Duration : 22 hours over 3 1/2 days (10h lectures, 12h practical).
Language : English
Target Audience : Researchers with an interest in acute leukemias, hematologists, immunologists.
Prerequisites : Knowledge of basic principles of flow cytometry, background in hematology and/or cell biology.
Courses objectives : The students will learn :
• how to use cytometry for the detailed analysis of normal hematopoiesis in peripheral blood and bone marrow samples.
• how to diagnose acute leukemias (AML and ALL) using cytometry.
• the pitfalls of leukemia diagnosis and how to avoid them.
• how to perform MRD detection in acute leukemias.
Costs : Public Sector: 1500 CHF
Industry, Pharma: 1800 CHF
Developing Countries: 1000 CHF

ONLINE Leukemia and MRD course

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ONLINE Leukemia and MRD course

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Course : ONL_LEUKEMIA-15
Duration : 6 sessions of 1.5 hours, twice a week, 11AM-12.30PM (CET)
Language : English
Target Audience : Researchers with an interest in acute leukemias, hematologists, immunologists.
Prerequisites : Knowledge of basic principles of flow cytometry, background in hematology and/or cell biology.
Courses objectives : Sessions – the application of the flow cytometry to study:
1. Normal hematopoiesis, stem cell compartment.
2. ALL (Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia).
3. MDS (Myelodysplastic Syndrome).
4. AML (Acute Myeloid Leukemia).
5. MRD (Minimal Residual Disease) – theory.
6. MRD in ALL and AML.

The participants will learn the basics of following topics:
• how to use cytometry for the detailed analysis of normal hematopoiesis in peripheral blood and bone marrow samples.
• how to diagnose acute leukemia (AML and ALL) as well as MDS using cytometry.
• how to perform MRD detection in acute leukemia.

Costs : Public Sector: 600 CHF
Industry, Pharma: 800 CHF
Developing Countries: 300 CHF

January 17th - 27th, 2023
Exact dates of each session: 17.01, 19.01, 20.01, 24.01, 26.01, 27.01.
Time: 11AM-12.30PM (CET)

Introduction to multi-dimensional flow cytometry analyses

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Introduction to multi-dimensional flow cytometry analyses

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Course : COMPUTING-11
Duration : 2 days
Language : English
Target Audience : Cytometrists with experience in multicolor flow cytometry data analysis
Prerequisites : Good working knowledge of data analysis with standard cytometry software (eg.: Kaluza, FlowJo, Infinicyt)
Courses objectives : Topics:
Foundations of multidimensional data analysis.
Clustering algorithms.
Practical training on datasets in R: from pre-processing to visualization.
Clean data, clean results. Discovering trajectories in your data.
Standardization and reproducibility: the keys to generate good data for unsupervised analysis.
Accelerating answers with the Cytobank platform and autogating.
Exploring high-dimensional data in FlowJo.
Dimensionality reduction and clustering: pitfalls and practicalities.
Costs : Public Sector: 800 CHF
Industry, Pharma: 1000 CHF
Developing Countries: 500 CHF
Registration deadline: 1month before the course or when the place limit is reached.

Autumn School of Immune Cell Analysis by Flow Cytometry

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Autumn School of Immune Cell Analysis by Flow Cytometry

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Duration : 5 days, 40 hours of lectures and practical sessions
Language : English
Target Audience : Immunologists, Researchers, Clinical Biologists, PhD students, Lab assistants and technicians
Prerequisites : Knowledge of the basic principles of flow cytometry, strong background in immunology and/or cell biology; or: Introductory course of flow cytometry
Courses objectives : The students will learn:
• to design and perform multicolor staining experiments
• to analyse in depth specific cell populations of the innate and adaptive immune system
• to perform current functional cytometric tests in immunology

Costs : Developing Countries: 1200 CHF
Students (MD, PhD): 1500 CHF
Public labs/institutions: 2000 CHF
Private companies: 2500 CHF
Registration deadline: 2 weeks before the start of the course or when the place limit is reached

Private course in flow cytometry

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Private course in flow cytometry

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Duration : Variable
Language : English or French
Target Audience : Industry, Pharma, Public laboratories
Prerequisites : None
Courses objectives : From basic rules of flow cytometry to advanced applications - we can prepare a tailored course for your team.
Costs : available upon request

Formation en Cytométrie Hématologique - avec CytHem

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Formation en Cytométrie Hématologique - avec CytHem

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Cours : CYTHEM-22
Durée : 22 heures (3 jours)
Langue : Français
Public cible : Hématologues et biologistes, ingénieurs, scientifiques, technicien(ne)s de laboratoire, étudiant(e)s avec un intérêt en hématologie.
Prérequis : Connaissances des principes de base de la cytométrie en flux et en hématologie.
Objectifs : Programme:
• Hématopoïèse normale
• Syndromes lymphoprolifératifs B, T et NK
• Maladies plasmocytaires
• Leucémies aigües myéloïdes
• Leucémies aiguës lymphoblastiques B et T
• Analyses d’évènements rares: MRD et PNH
• Cytométrie spectrale
• Conception de panel optimisée
• Analyses multidimensionnelles (t-SNE, FlowSOM)
Coût : Étudiant(e)s (MD ou PhD), technicien(ne)s de laboratoire: 400 CHF
Biologistes, médecins, ingénieur(e)s, scientifiques: 600 CHF
Maghreb: 350 CHF

Winterschool of Cell Analysis in Immunology

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Winterschool of Cell Analysis in Immunology

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Duration : 5 days, 40 hours of lectures and practicals
Language : English
Target Audience : Immunologists, Researchers, Clinical Biologists, PhD students, Lab assistants, R&D pharma
Prerequisites : Knowledge of the basic principles of flow cytometry, strong background in immunology and/or cell biology or: Introductory course of flow cytometry
Courses objectives : The students will learn:
• to design and perform multicolor staining experiments
• to analyse in depth specific cell populations of the innate and adaptive immune system
• to perform current functional cytometric tests in immunology

Costs : Public Sector: 2000 CHF
Students (MD, PhD): 1500 CHF
Industry, Pharma: 2500 CHF
Developing Countries: 1200 CHF
Registration deadline: February 22nd or when the place limit is reached.

Spectral Flow Cytometry: Playing over the Rainbow

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Spectral Flow Cytometry: Playing over the Rainbow

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Course : SPECTRAL-23
Duration : 2 days
Language : English
Target Audience : Scientists, Biologists and Technicians
Prerequisites : Previous experience in conventional flow cytometry required. No previous knowledge of spectral flow cytometry is necessary.
Courses objectives : Fundamentals of Spectral Flow Cytometry
From Panel design to Analysis
Autofluorescence management
Applications in Research and Clinic
Hands-on session on Cytek Flow Cytometer
Costs : Public Sector: 800 CHF
Private companies: 1000 CHF
Developing Countries and Students: 500 CHF

Diagnostic hématologique par cytométrie en flux en ligne

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Diagnostic hématologique par cytométrie en flux en ligne

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Durée : 6 sessions de 1.5 heures pendant 3 jours consécutifs, 12h30-16h CET, et une session Q&A 15h30-16h CET le dernier jour
Langue : Français
Public cible : Technicien.e.s, biologistes, chercheurs avec un intérêt pour les cancers hématologiques
Prérequis : Connaissances des principes de bases de la cytométrie en flux et en hématologie/biologie cellulaire
Objectifs : Sessions interactive and pratiques avec études de cas :
• Hématopoïèse normale
• Leucémie aigüe lymphoïde
• Leucémie aigüe myéloïde
• Pathologies lymphoïdes B et T
• Maladie résiduelle
• Questions-Réponses
Coût : Laboratoires privés/entreprises pharmaceutiques: 1'000 CHF
Laboratoires publiques/académiques: 800 CHF
Etudiants et pays en voie de développement: 400 CHF.
Nos conditions d’annulation après inscription sont disponibles sur notre page « Information ».

Certificate of Advanced Studies (CAS) in 2024/2025

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Certificate of Advanced Studies (CAS) in 2024/2025

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Duration : 1 year
Language : English
Target Audience : Physicians (hematologists, immunologists), biologists, biochemists, pharmacists, toxicologists, veterinarians, engineers in the medical sciences, laboratory technicians with a professional experience in flow cytometry.
Prerequisites : - a Master's or a Bachelor's degree in Biology, Biochemistry, Biomedical Sciences, Pharmacy, Medicine, or a degree deemed equivalent issued by a University, and recognized by the University of Geneva; - a Bachelor or a Master's degree from a University of Applied Sciences (HES). 2 years professional experience related to the Certificate program will be required. An interview can complete the admission procedure; - a higher education degree in Biomedical Analysis or equivalent training (ie.: laboratory technician). 2 years professional experience related to the Certificate program will be required. An interview can complete the admission procedure.
Courses objectives : - Give participants the theoretical and practical information needed to perform flow cytometric analyses independently
- Enable participants to develop experimental and diagnostic approaches, to develop data analysis strategies, and to use appropriate analytical softwares
- Illustrate to participants the most common applications of flow cytometry with a special focus on applications in hematology and immunology
- Inform participants of the latest developments in the field of flow cytometry, of the technical progress and of multi-dimensional data analysis
The course consists of 3 modules:
1. Introductory and refresher course in flow cytometry
2. Autumn school in immunology
3. Flow cytometry for hematologists and immunologists
Costs : 6000.- CHF

Flow cytometry for biomedical analysts
Higher Professional Examination, Module Hematology

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Flow cytometry for biomedical analysts
Higher Professional Examination, Module Hematology

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Course : LABMED-08
Duration : 24 hours over 3 days (14h lectures, 10h pratical).
Language : English
Target Audience : Biomedical analysts and technicians taking part in the swiss higher education program for ”Biomedical analytics”
Prerequisites : none
Courses objectives : introduction to flow cytometry
Costs : please contact directly Miss Wyna Giller ( for costs and registration

MRD detection by flow cytometry

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MRD detection by flow cytometry

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Course : MRD-07
Duration : 12 hours over 2 days (6h lectures, 6h pratical).
Language : English
Target Audience : Researchers with an interest in MRD detection, hematologists, immunologists.
Prerequisites : Knowledge of basic principles of flow cytometry, background in hematology and/or cell biology.
Courses objectives : The students will learn:
• how to perform MRD in acute leukemias and lymphomas, based on detailed studies of AML, ALL, CLL and multiple myeloma cases
• how to set up and perform analysis of paucicellular samples (ie: LCR)
Costs : Public sector: 500 CHF (up to 2 weeks prior to course start; afterwards 600 CHF).
Private sector: the fee for applicants is available upon request.

Excellence workshop in PNH and MDS diagnosis

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Excellence workshop in PNH and MDS diagnosis

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Course : PNH_MDS-03
Duration : 18 hours over 3 days (6h lectures, 12h practical).
Language : English
Target Audience : Researchers with an interest in PNH, hematologists, immunologists.
Prerequisites : Knowledge of basic principles of flow cytometry; background in hematology and/or cell biology.
Courses objectives : The students will learn :
• the pathophysiology of PNH.
• how to use flow cytometry for the detection and quantification of PNH clones in white and red blood cells.
• how to perform high sensitivity analysis of very small PNH clones (<0.01%).
• the pitfalls of PNH diagnosis and how to avoid them.
Costs : Public sector: 800 CHF (up to 2 weeks prior to course start; afterwards 1000 CHF).
Private sector: the fee for applicants is available upon request.