Swiss Flow
Cytometry School



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Diagnostic hématologique par cytométrie en flux en ligne

click for course details

Code : 2025-ONL_DIAG_HEMATO-24
Durée : 6 sessions de 1.5 heures pendant 3 jours consécutifs, 12h30-16h CET, et une session Q&A 15h30-16h CET le dernier jour
Langue : Français
Public cible : Technicien.e.s, biologistes, chercheurs avec un intérêt pour les cancers hématologiques
Prérequis : Connaissances des principes de bases de la cytométrie en flux et en hématologie/biologie cellulaire
Objectifs : Sessions interactive and pratiques avec études de cas :
• Hématopoïèse normale
• Leucémie aigüe lymphoïde
• Leucémie aigüe myéloïde
• Pathologies lymphoïdes B et T
• Maladie résiduelle
• Questions-Réponses
Coût : Laboratoires privés/entreprises pharmaceutiques: 1'000 CHF
Laboratoires publiques/académiques: 800 CHF
Etudiants et pays en voie de développement: 400 CHF.
Nos conditions d’annulation après inscription sont disponibles sur notre page « Information ».

Avalaible courses


Registration form to attend course


Please choose a start date and fill in your contact details :

Date :

Highlighted fields are obligatory :

Birth date : Birth date :
Billing Address if different :
Do you have any specific questions or topics you would like us to address during this course ?
Please indicate why you register to this course and what are your expectations :

Pre-course evaluation form. Please help us to evaluate your level and expectations to make sure that the course adequately meets your training needs.

1. Knowledge of flow cytometry basic principles :
I have no prior knowledge of flow cytometry.
I am familiar with the basic principles of flow cytometry but I have never conducted an experiment myself.
I have run a few flow cytometry experiments under supervision but I lack the fundamental knowledge.
I am a cytometrist, please specify the number of years of experience :

2. Experience in operating a flow cytometer :
Beckman Coulter flow cytometer, please specify the model :
Becton Dickinson flow cytometer, please specify the model :
Other, please specify type and model,
or no experience :

3. Experience using analysis software :
Other, please specify the analysis software, or none :

4. Knowledge of techniques and concepts :
Fluorescence microscopy :
Immunostaining :
Cell biology :
Immunology :
Hematology :

5. Please indicate special dietary requirements :

6. Do you have any comments ?
7. Confirm
The information provided will be treated in the strictest confidence in accordance with data protection legislation. Incomplete applications will not be considered. By signing this form, you confirm that the information you have given is correct and complete.
By registering I express my will to attend a course at the Swiss Flow Cytometry School in Geneva. I will take all actions needed to attend the course, including, but not limited to asking for a visa if needed, and handling my housing reservation & transport to Geneva.

I agree to pay the course fees within 30 days after having received the invoice.
Any cancellation should be done by sending an email to within 2 weeks before course start.
8. Be aware that your course is perhaps not confirmed yet
Your registration will be confirmed by email